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ATLANTA -- A national survey conducted for the Calorie Control Council here found that "light" products have achieved a high degree of consumer and beverages, up from 76% in 1991.The council has been sponsoring the survey periodically since the 1970s. The 1994 poll is its most recent.The survey showed that 73% of respondents were eating a healthier diet than they were three years ago.

ATLANTA -- A national survey conducted for the Calorie Control Council here found that "light" products have achieved a high degree of consumer acceptance.

food and beverages, up from 76% in 1991.

The council has been sponsoring the survey periodically since the 1970s. The 1994 poll is its most recent.

The survey showed that 73% of respondents were eating a healthier diet than they were three years ago. And 62% said they always try to check nutritional labels for fat content.

Some 57% of consumers polled said they regularly choose a reduced-fat butter or margarine over a regular product, and 37% said they choose a "light" cheese over its full-fat counterpart, while 70% said they choose a "light" yogurt over a regular yogurt. A whopping 74% polled said they prefer a lower-fat or skim milk to whole milk.

The Calorie Control Council is an international association of manufacturers of low-calorie and reduced-fat foods and beverages.