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Even as they show increased excitement about wider varieties of produce, consumers are showing heightened awareness of the potential for bacteria-related food-safety problems in this a crisis involving hazardous produce, and managing the crisis when it inevitably hits, are workshop topics at the meeting.But what is the state of the industry's preparedness right now, and what obstacles

Even as they show increased excitement about wider varieties of produce, consumers are showing heightened awareness of the potential for bacteria-related food-safety problems in this category.

ing a crisis involving hazardous produce, and managing the crisis when it inevitably hits, are workshop topics at the meeting.

But what is the state of the industry's preparedness right now, and what obstacles to crisis management lurk ahead? SN talked with industry and health officials, and the prognosis is that the industry's preparedness varies widely from operator to operator. And it is often stuck in reactive rather than proactive modes.

While technology-based tools offer some help, the advent of value-added products makes the issue more complicated. SN's look at the situation starts in the Fresh Market section on Page 31.

TAGS: Center Store