A weekly three-question quiz testing your knowledge of all things grocery!
The SN News Quiz: It’s all about ‘indulgence’ in center store bakery
Here are the results of last week’s three-question quiz
June 21, 2023
Here are the results of last week’s SN News Quiz!
1. When it comes to beauty sales, which retailer is being predicted to pull ahead (even ahead of Walmart) by 2025?
Thrive Market
Amazon (correct!)
2. Which grocer is “stuck in the middle” in terms of brand positioning, according to a recent op-ed?
Whole Foods
Kroger (yep, that’s the one!)
3. Which retailer has opened its largest fulfillment center near Indianapolis — a 2.2 million-square-foot facility it calls “next-generation.”
Walmart (yes!)
Sprouts Farmers Market
BONUS question: Center store bakery was up almost 10% in May (With small indulgences like cookies and donuts outperforming other areas.)
On a scale of 1-10 flags (with 1 being “meh” and 10 being “awesome”), how have center store bakery sales been for your store / company?
The average score on this question was 7 — sounds like bakery is doing pretty well for you all.
Want even more grocery news?? Take this week’s SN Daily news quiz here. Betcha can’t get all three!