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D'Agostino workers approve new dealD'Agostino workers approve new deal

Workers at D'Agostino Supermarkets unanimously ratified a new three-year contract, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1500 said Monday.

May 4, 2015

2 Min Read
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Workers at D'Agostino Supermarkets unanimously ratified a new three-year contract, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1500 said Monday.

The agreement will provide five raises over the next three years to nearly 1,000 workers at working at D'Agostino's 13 New York City-area stores.

"I'm very proud of this new contract," D'Agostino negotiating committee member Jasmine Dalton said in a statement. “We got the raises that we deserve, maintained our benefits and increased the guaranteed hours for more part-time workers. It's a win."

The agreement significantly expanded the amount of part-time workers who receive a guaranteed minimum 20-hour workweek, a key benefit for retail jobs, the union said.


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"This is huge for us," Terry Quinones, lead negotiator for Local 1500 said. “Retail scheduling is usually sporadic, making it difficult to balance a personal life and schedule. Now, even more part-timers can have an ease of mind knowing they have a minimum set number of hours each week. This is going to help hundreds of our families."

The new deal replaces a previous contract that expired more than a year ago. Since then the union and company have been on monthly contract extensions.

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