Dollar Tree, Family Dollar make deal with OSHA regarding worker safetyDollar Tree, Family Dollar make deal with OSHA regarding worker safety
Stores will execute a series of improvements and set up an advisory board

Dollar Tree and Family Dollar are taking the first step in improving worker safety at stores.
In a settlement with the Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) the discount grocers — which exist under the same company — have agreed to pay $1.35 million to settle a long list of pending complaints and will execute a nationwide survey of stores to gain a better perspective of worker hazards, reports Reuters.
Under the settlement, Dollar Tree and Family Dollar are also required to create safety advisory groups and safety audit programs. New safety training programs must also be developed. Both companies will also meet with OSHA representatives quarterly.
The settlement terms expire within two years. Dollar Tree and Family Dollar could have to pay $500,000 per violation if they fail to meet the requirements of the deal over that time period.
“The foundations of the Dollar Tree and Family Dollar programs are continuous associate feedback, engagement, and root cause analysis to understand issues and ensure compliance,” Dollar Tree said in a statement.
OSHA has issued both brands with more than 400 safety violations totaling $13.1 million in fines since 2017. Most of the safety issues involve blocked exits, stacking inventory in store aisles, and fire extinguishers and electrical panels that are inaccessible.
The Dollar Tree said it would use a range of tools, including engineering, in-person training, and virtual training, to ultimately improve the safety in its stores.
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