Foodtown rebranding focuses on quality meals and customer serviceFoodtown rebranding focuses on quality meals and customer service
Campaign created by Allegiance Retail Services kicks off with social media, advertising and retail promotions

Allegiance Retail Services (ARS) unveiled this month a new marketing campaign for its Foodtown banner with the message “Quality Meals Begin at Foodtown” to illustrate the brand’s commitment to offering fresh perishables, quality products, and exceptional service. The campaign is being rolled out to all 65 Foodtown stores in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, both in-store and online.
“Quality comes in many forms. But what most people want is more quality time with friends, family,or even themselves,” said Donna Zambo, vice president, chief marketing officer at ARS, the Iselin, N.J.-based retailer co-op that counts Foodtown as one of its banners. “I think we all know that it can be hard to make time for life. And it’s even more difficult making the most of the time that we do get. At Foodtown, we know that without quality food, service and nutrition, quality time wouldn’t be quite as meaningful. Birthdays, anniversaries, game nights, workouts, late night study sessions and play dates are all everyday moments that make us who we are. We want to be there with our shoppers by providing fresh, quality food options for these times.”
The digital campaign will focus on the benefits of quality time and show how consumers can enjoy more of it when 'Quality Meals Begin at Foodtown.'
The campaign positions Foodtown as an integral member of the community dedicated to the well-being of not only its customers but associates too. Throughout the pandemic, shoppers learned to depend on their local grocers as partners in their family’s overall wellness. The new campaign underscores Foodtown’s commitment to make it easy to provide nutritious meals and snacks as families return to the pre-pandemic activities of work, school, sports, hobbies and togetherness.
The rebranding campaign is supported through strategic marketing channels, including social media, digital media, store websites, along with broadcast and print advertising, and retail promotions, sponsorships, and events.
The new campaign underscores Foodtown’s commitment to make it easy to provide nutritious meals and snacks as families return to the pre-pandemic activities of work, school, sports, hobbies and togetherness.
Driving an emotional and practical appeal, the digital campaign will focus on the benefits of quality time and show how consumers can enjoy more of it when “Quality Meals Begin at Foodtown.” The print promotional campaign will highlight the store’s quality products and feature Foodtown’s fresh, high-quality produce, meat, seafood, deli, and bakery products.
In addition, a new Foodtown logo lockup was created featuring the tagline “Locally Owned, Family Operated,” to remind shoppers of Foodtown’s ongoing dedication to its connection to each distinct neighborhood it serves.
“It is an exciting time to launch this new Foodtown rebranding campaign as people are starting to come together again after the pandemic,” said Zambo. “Food brings people together, and we are happy to celebrate the return of that quality of life.”
Besides Foodtown, Allegiance Retail Services supports independent supermarkets such as Freshtown, D’Agostino, Gristedes, Pathmark, LaBella Marketplace, Brooklyn Harvest, Market Fresh, Big Deal Food Market, Green Way Markets and Shop n Bag by providing them with marketing, advertising, technological and merchandising support, as well as a full line of private label products, including Foodtown, Green Way and Rancher’s Legend.
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