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ReadySetEat™ website solves weeknight dinner dilemmasReadySetEat™ website solves weeknight dinner dilemmas

Did you know 57 percent of households make their dinner decisions within an hour before mealtime

January 25, 2011

5 Min Read
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B2B | Shopper Connection | January/February 2011

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ReadySetEat™ website solves weeknight dinner dilemmas

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Did you know 57 percent of households make their dinner decisions within an hour before mealtime? That’s why ConAgra Foods just launched www.ReadySetEat.com, the site caters to cooks with a lot on their plates who don’t have much time to think about what’s actually going on their dinner plates. On one easy-to-navigate site, ReadySetEat pulls together taste-tested recipes that work every time and can be prepared in minutes. The recipes feature:

  • Quick meal preparation and cleanup (30 minutes or less)

  • Convenient ingredients (five to seven common items kept on hand in most kitchens, including branded ConAgra Foods products)

  • Cost savings (through callouts to local sales and coupons, making it easy for people to shop at their favorite stores)

  • A wide variety of nutritionally balanced meals including options that are controlled calories, carbohydrates, and/or sodium for special dietary needs.

“This focus on easy-to-make dinners protects trips to food retailers,” explains Christa Guinn, ConAgra Foods’ manager of strategic marketing. “When people can’t pull off dinner at the last minute, they’re more likely to default to restaurant takeout or drive-through. And thanks to the relationship with GroceryServer.com, ReadySetEat meal solutions are more compelling because they bring together sales prices with simple meal ideas.

Everyone gets in a mealtime rut and wants creativity, she adds, noting that, “It can be risky to try new recipes when budgets are tight.” Guinn explains that ReadySetEat spotlights familiar items people know in new ways, and simplifies both meal prep and cleanup. The 100 new recipes created for the ReadySetEat launch join an archive from two existing ConAgra Foods websites – www.simpleanddelicious.com and www.startmakingchoices.com – that are being retired to focus on for the new ReadySetEat platform.

ReadySetEat is currently pulling together a “People Like Me” panel, made up of a variety of consumers from different types of households – such as families with children, couples dining alone, homes with picky eaters, and homes where families follow a healthy lifestyle. Among the panel members are stay-at-home and working moms, single parents, dads, younger couples and empty nesters. Their diversity will help the site classify recipes more accurately to give visitors a better sense of which recipes will work best for them.

Also coming this spring:

  • E-mail alerts from ReadySetEat to let site users know when items in their favorite stored recipes go on sale in their preferred food stores.

  • Bi-weekly e-mails built around recipe ideas featuring items on sale at subscribers’ preferred food retailers.

*Source: NPD Eating Patterns in America, 2009 – at bottom of article

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Sourcing: Target: 35 Dinners Taken Home from Restaurant/person/year Source: NPD 24th Annual Eating Patterns in America, 2009 Population estimate, 2011: 313,232,000 Source: US Census Bureau Cost of In-Home Dinner from Grocery Store: $2.50 Source: Various estimates: NPD cost of in-home meal ($2.37); The Simpledollar.com # of US Groc Stores, $2MM : 36,000 Source: Progressive Grocer CAG Share of Center Store: 3.432 1$2MM Supermarket 2IRI 52 Weeks ending 3/29/10

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