Wal-Mart PerformanceWal-Mart Performance
While representing only one-quarter of total Wal-Mart sales, the international division drove 50% of sales growth --bringing FY2007 growth rates back in line with historical Wal-Mart trends after a dip in FY2006. Growth rates did moderate in the first quarter, FY2008.
May 2, 2007
While representing only one-quarter of total Wal-Mart sales, the international division drove 50% of sales growth --bringing FY2007 growth rates back in line with historical Wal-Mart trends after a dip in FY2006. Growth rates did moderate in the first quarter, FY2008.
The U.S. Wal-Mart Stores Division’s FY2007 7.8% growth, albeit solid relative to the industry, continues a steady decline as the primary driver --supercenter expansion --delivers only modest trip growth and fails to expand the consumer base. A slowdown in the first quarter of FY2008 to 5.6% growth reflects a continuation of these challenges.
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