Metro: Bag Distribution Down 70% Under New PolicyMetro: Bag Distribution Down 70% Under New Policy
Four weeks after introducing a 5-cent charge for shopping bags at its stores, Metro Inc. here said 70% fewer bags have been distributed in its stores, as compared to its previous monthly average.
June 30, 2009
MONTREAL — Four weeks after introducing a 5-cent charge for shopping bags at its stores, Metro Inc. here said 70% fewer bags have been distributed in its stores, as compared to its previous monthly average.
Demand for reusable bags has increased by fivefold, the retailer added, saying that the new measures put Metro within reach of its goal to reduce single-use grocery bags by 50% by the end of 2010.
“The early results are very encouraging as they confirm that consumers are not only concerned abut the environment, but they are willing to change their habits for the well-being of the community,” Marie-Claude Bacon, director of corporate affairs for Metro, said in a statement.
The company operates Metro, Metro Plus, Super C and Marche Richelieu stores in Ontario and Quebec.
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