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RICHARD A. SEGAL JR., chairman and chief executive officer of HSR Business to Business, Cincinnati, said the reported demise of business-to-business start-ups, prompted by recent declines in stock market valuations, is greatly exaggerated. Speaking at a meeting of the Business Marketing Association in Charlotte, N.C., this month, he said, "The B2Bs have not cooled; they remain as fiery hot coals beneath

RICHARD A. SEGAL JR., chairman and chief executive officer of HSR Business to Business, Cincinnati, said the reported demise of business-to-business start-ups, prompted by recent declines in stock market valuations, is greatly exaggerated. Speaking at a meeting of the Business Marketing Association in Charlotte, N.C., this month, he said, "The B2Bs have not cooled; they remain as fiery hot coals beneath the ashes of last year's B2C dot-coms. When the winds of the market stir the campfire just a little, these B2B coals will flame up to ignite the Internet sector's next run of market value."

a pilot in the next six months, and half of respondents whose forecast accuracy is more than 90% predict that CPFR would improve their trading partners' forecasts by at least 20%. "As it turns out, CPFR is enabling a very positive return on investment in terms of increased sales and more efficient inventory practices," said Julie Fraser, director of market strategies, Industry Directions.


from Infomix Corp., Menlo Park, Calif., will be used as a data integration solution for the UCCnet Internet based trading community, a subsidiary of the Uniform Code Council, Lawrenceville, N.J. DataStage with XML Pack gives retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and other trading partners access to the synchronized product information found on UCCnet. It supports reading and writing of XML-formatted text and allows software, such as business-to-business Web portals, legacy systems and enterprise resource planning applications to exchange data, said Paul Benchener, president and chief operating officer of UCCnet.